Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Myspace questions....?

I am just now signing up on Myspace (ok - delayed reaction, right?). Anyway, I am on there with pic but not much else and I have a friend on there already. Where did he come from? How does this work? Do people just decide to post themselves or what? Don't you add who you want as friends? How do I decorate and do the kooky things people do on it? I need Myspace lessons (of any kind are helpful). What do you like about it the most and give me ideas what you can do on there please. And this friend thing???

Myspace questions....?

Your probably talking about Tom.

Tom automatically gets added onto your friends list right when you complete your registration, You can easily delete him if you want, although he wont hurt you lol he's just there he runs Myspace. If you want to delete him just click "Edit Friends" by your friends list on the main front page.

As for stuff to do on myspace, there are user uploaded videos (some actually pretty funny), Music, Games, Editing your profile ((which can be done using or simply put in "Myspace Editors ((or)) Myspace Stuff" and it will give you alot of stuff to choose from. Also, you meet some pretty intresting people on there, just watch out for the perverts!

Myspace is one of the largest online communities there is, and growing. I have Myspace.

If you want any help on creating your page or websites to help you do so, or any other questions regarding Myspace feel free to contact me @

Myspace questions....?

Is your friend Tom?

He is everybody's friend!

Myspace questions....?

Well tom is the creator of myspace and he is your first friend. You have to add others. To make your space pretty you go to other pages and click on the little things like pimp my space and read the directions. It takes a while but once you learn you will have fun.

Myspace questions....?

Let me guess, your new friend's name is "Tom" right? He made myspace. He's there to help you. I didn't know who he was either. If you click on his face it'll take you to his site for questions and such.

People will send you friend's requests and you can either approve them or deny them.

If you need any websites or help designing your page IM me at

If you have friends who's myspace you know you can go to their page and on the upper left hand under their picture there is a rectangle known as the "contact table" just click on add me or friend request

Myspace questions....?

When you sign up, you will have Tom as a friend. Tom founded myspace and even though he sold it, he is still active with it. If you have any myspace problems, you go to Tom. His page has lots of valuable FAQ's.

For the cool layouts and the like, try or, there are dozens of others out there, as well. For graphics and the like, try or, again, there are dozens of other places, as well.

Myspace questions....?

your friend was tom.. he is on everyones yopu can delete him though

and to pimp your myspace go to

Myspace questions....?

Tom is the guy that started it all so he is everyones friend. You can delete him. You have to approve your friends or send them friend request. The only other way someone should be on there is if they invited you. I love myspace it helped me get in touch with a lot of old friends. Make sure to sing in your school so you can see who all is on there. Have fun. Warning it is addictive.

Myspace questions....?

Tom is every one friend you get him as your friend the moment you sign up then you choose who you want to be your friend you can ask people to be your friend or you can just wait for people to ask you. Just click on people page and when you see something you like click it and it will take you to the web site they got it from then to get the code you select all and copy then take it to your page go into account setting and paste it in to about me and for music video's paste it under music and so on it's easy...

Myspace questions....?

I can help you out, just add me to your yahoo mesenger friend list as bluechocolatepenguin and we can talk about it cuz if I write it all it just wont fit!

Myspace questions....?

Good news . . . you can delete Tom!!! Check it out After you login, go to EDIT FRIENDS (it's on your home page on the box where you find Tom; it's called MY FRIEND SPACE) and then you will be able to select who you want to delete.

Good luck!

Myspace questions....?

hey i can tell you a lot of stuff but i just got this account last night and i don't under stand how the use room scape so if you can I'm me or email me idk how to do any thing but i can tell you ever thing about myspace

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