Monday, December 28, 2009

Layout myspace namesss? (answer only if u have any good names for a layout myspace names)?

ok so im making this layout myspace

but i need names to c which one's good to put on the site and make it the sites name

like bebo layouts and passion layouts and moree

but there taken and i need some of my own

but i cant think of anynames which make me really frustrated

so can somebody PLEASE give me series of choices to choose from

i'd really appreciate it

thnx for the people who give me answers that are good and will help me =]

Layout myspace namesss? (answer only if u have any good names for a layout myspace names)?

snickerdoodle lyts.

thts it for me.

hope it helps.


Layout myspace namesss? (answer only if u have any good names for a layout myspace names)?

How about smexi layouts *I think that sounds kool*

I Like it

Layout myspace namesss? (answer only if u have any good names for a layout myspace names)? :)

hope that helps!

Layout myspace namesss? (answer only if u have any good names for a layout myspace names)?

how about onlyrockinlayouts--goes with the name even lol

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