Monday, December 28, 2009

Multiple myspace accounts?

i know someone who is a number of different bands ant have 5 myspace accounts(one for each band) That means that thy have to use 5 different email addresses. He only uses these for myspace. Is there any to have just one? Would disposable email addresses be a good or bad idea?

Multiple myspace accounts?

Disposable email adresses would be a bad idea because if MySpace wanted to contact you for anything, they would not be able to. If they got a message back saying there was a fault with the email, the account might be deleted.

Multiple myspace accounts?

no, i dont think there would b a way 2 have all of em w/ da same

email account cuz if u do dat all of em will b deleted automatically b Tom, and no using dissposable email accounts is not rite...aite hope this helps..

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