Monday, December 28, 2009

Which myspace pages have the most friends and traffic?

hey all, just wanted to know out of all of the millions of myspace pages, which users have the most friends and the most traffic? is there like a website that has these stats or is it just guessing? if you don't know specifics, could you tell me what type of people would have the most traffic going to their myspace pages?


Which myspace pages have the most friends and traffic?

I dont waste my time with myspace. Its for little teenie boppers who spend thier time whining about how lifes not fair and trying to add as many friends as they can get so they can win some popularity contest. Very lame !

Which myspace pages have the most friends and traffic?

i dont know but my friend has 783 my space friends thats crazzzy dont yah think well any ways i have 700 catching up to him i need only 83 friends to catch up to him

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